Corinne Nativel
PhD, lecturer, researcher
Social sciences
Besan�on - Paris 


(enlever le NOSPAM/leave the NOSPAM out... ;-))

Qui est-elle? (version FR)

Corinne Nativel est Ma�tresse de conf�rences � l'Universit� de Franche-Comt� (UFC), Besan�on. Elle a suivi une formation en langues �trang�res et en sciences sociales (une ma�trise de LEA � l’universit� de Paris IV-Sorbonne et un doctorat de troisi�me cycle en �conomie et sociologie politiques � l’universit� de Birmingham au Royaume-Uni).

Ses travaux de recherche se situent au croisement de la g�ographie �conomique et de la sociologie politique. Ils sont ax�s sur la question des liens entre justice sociale et production de l'espace. (suite...)

Elle est membre du Centre for Research on the English Speaking-World (CREW) de l'Universit� Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle et du Centre d'�tudes urbaines du monde anglophone (CEUMA) de l'Universit� Paris-IV Sorbonne. Auparavant elle a travaill� en tant que... (suite...)

EN version

Corinne Nativel is a Lecturer at the University of Franche-Comt� in Besan�on, France. She was trained as a linguist and social scientist. She holds a Master’s degree in Modern Languages and European Studies from the University of Paris IV-Sorbonne and a PhD in political sociology and political economy from the Institute for German Studies at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.

Her research is at the crossroads between economic geography and political sociology. It focuses on the relationship between social justice and place/space restructuring. (to be continued...)

Corinne is a member of the Centre for Research on the English-Speaking World (CREW, University of Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle) and of the Centre for Urban Studies in the English-speaking world (CEUMA, University Paris IV-Sorbonne). She previously held posts as... (to be continued...)

Last update : Fev 2019